Green Mediterranean Diet

The classic Mediterranean diet is a well-known diet plan that provides excellent health benefits. The green Mediterranean diet is a new spin on an already healthy diet.

What is the New Green Mediterranean Diet?

The new iteration of the traditional Mediterranean diet is called the green Mediterranean diet. It is meant to be a "greener" version because it has a higher portion of green and plant-based foods. The food plan is a primarily plant based diet with very minimal portions of meat and animal protein.

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Many people have been making the switch to the green Mediterranean diet because of its proven power of lowering the risk of heart disease. It can also improve gut health, promote weight loss, and stabilize blood pressure.

Other studies have found that a Mediterranean diet improved overall mental and emotional health as well.

To get a better idea of how the green Mediterranean diet compares to the original Mediterranean diet, continue reading:

Traditional Mediterranean Diet

The regular Mediterranean diet prioritizes healthy fats, whole grains, and other plant foods. People who follow this diet are also meant to avoid all processed foods and choose more plant-based foods. For example, it’s best to swap processed meats like hot dogs for plant-based proteins like nuts and beans.

Apart from this diet's positive effects on cardiovascular and metabolic health, it's also quite easy to follow, especially for people living around the Mediterranean sea: Spain, Turkey, southern Italy, and Greece. Hence, the term Mediterranean diet.

The classic Mediterranean diet consists of:

  • Olive oil
  • Beans and legumes, like chickpeas and lentils
  • Seeds and nuts, such as sesame seeds and almonds
  • Whole grains, like brown rice
  • Spices and herbs, like parsley, rosemary, and oregano
  • Fresh fruits
  • Leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and lettuce
  • Other fresh and non-starchy vegetables, like fennel, tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, and artichokes
  • Fresh water
  • Eggs, goat milk, pasture-farmed poultry, and cheese in moderation
  • High probiotic foods, such as yogurt and kefir in moderation
  • Red meat, like beef, lamb, and pork, consumed occasionally or once a week, at most
  • Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages but only occasionally
  • Fresh, wild seafood and fish, only two times per week
  • A maximum of one glass of red wine every day

New Green Mediterranean Diet

The green Mediterranean diet is much like the traditional Mediterranean diet, but with more emphasis on plant-based food. The term "green" is because it also mainly focuses on green plant food sources.

Green tea is highlighted as an important element of the green Mediterranean diet. It is recommended that one drink around three to four cups of green tea each day to reap health benefits. The high amount of antioxidants in green tea can improve heart health and reduce cardiovascular risk.

The new green Mediterranean diet consists of:

  • A big portion of fibrous fruits, vegetables, and grains. Leafy greens and green vegetables should generally make up most of the diet plan.
  • Antioxidant-rich foods, such as green tea, spices, and herbs
  • Plant-based protein, like tofu, beans, seaweed, and legumes. Protein powder may also be used, as long as it's vegan-based.
  • Healthy fats, such as nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Chia, hemp, and flax seeds are particularly good seed options.
  • Very small portions of dairy foods, like cheese and yogurt
  • Occasional consumption of fish, red meat, and poultry
  • Some red wine, at the end of each day

Switch to the Green Mediterranean Diet Now

For people who are already used to traditional Mediterranean diets, it won't be too much of a drastic change to follow the green Mediterranean diet. The main idea is just to increase your portions of green plant foods.

Green tea, olive oil, and leafy greens are excellent examples of what makes up most of the green Mediterranean diet. Plant-based alternatives to red meat and processed foods should also be prioritized.

Protein-rich foods such as beans and nuts are excellent substitutes for processed meats and common red meat. Other plant-based proteins such as tofu and legumes are also perfect options to complete a green diet.

By sticking to a green Mediterranean diet plan, you get enjoy a healthy body weight and better clinical nutrition as you grow older. It is also excellent for preventing metabolic risk factors and heart disease.

Add Organic Greens 365 to Your Green Mediterranean Diet Plan

As the name implies, Organic Greens 365 is formulated with plenty of green food sources. It is a superfood powder that contains organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, and juices to improve overall health and potentially promote weight loss.

It fits right into the green Mediterranean diet as it only contains plant-based ingredients. With regular consumption, you receive all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for a healthy body.

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