Everything You Need To Know About Planetary Nutrition

Do you know that what you eat affects your own health and the planet? Your dietary pattern is capable of harming it or helping it thrive.

We're in an age where the survival of a growing global population is a serious concern. That's why you might want to consider adopting a planetary health diet. It aims to establish sustainable food systems for the benefit of the people and the Earth.

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What is a Planetary Health Diet?

Planetary health is a concept born in 2015 after years of work by the EAT-Lancet Commission. The EAT-Lancet Report produced the first scientific targets for a healthy diet. They come from a sustainable food system.

A planetary health diet is one of them. It recommends possible ranges of daily consumption for all nutritious food groups. But it does so in a way that reflects sustainable food production.

The goal of a planetary health diet is to reduce your environmental footprint. It also helps you promote health benefits by focusing on plant-based foods. But don't worry! It still allows the occasional meat and dairy.

Its emphasis on sustainable foods is to be able to provide for billions of people.

What a Typical Planetary Health Plate Looks Like 

Load Up With:

Fruits and Vegetables

One of the signatures of a planetary health diet is a half plate of non-starchy fruits and vegetables. They contain essential dietary fibers and micronutrients. But they have lower environmental footprints compared to other foods. Research suggests that despite their health benefits, adults fail to meet the minimum necessary amount.

Whole Grains

Next to fruits and vegetables, your plate should consist of primarily whole grains. You need to eat at least 232 grams of them. Stick to a diet that limits refined grains because they have lesser nutritional quality. They also produce more waste products.

Plant Proteins

The EAT-Lancet Report recommends eating at least 125 grams of plant proteins. These include nuts and seeds, peas, broccoli, soya, and more plants. Studies show that they reduce the risk of heart disease.

Unsaturated Oils

There's a recent study about unsaturated oils, especially plant oils. It says they have less negative influence than saturated fats and oils in terms of planetary health. The EAT-Lancet Report advises eating at least 125 grams of these.

Tone Down On:

Highly Processed Foods

What's one of the greatest opponents of the EAT-Lancet Commission regarding a planetary health diet? That is the frequent consumption of highly processed foods. They require energy-intensive food production processes. They also need poisonous chemicals and plastic use that ruin the Earth. In addition, they contain unhealthy preservatives and added sugars.

Animal Protein

A planetary diet suggests consuming animal-source foods modestly. Red meat and dairy foods are among the highest contributors to environmental footprint.

Starchy Vegetables

Per the advice of the EAT-Lancet Report, eat around 50 grams of starchy vegetables. Consume them in modest amounts. Why? Starchy vegetables increase the risk of heart disease, among other things.

Benefits to Human Health and the Environment

The EAT-Lancet Commission says a planetary health diet can prevent about 11 million deaths yearly. Scientists refer to it as the Great Food Transformation. It has the potential to change the public health trajectory while reducing environmental waste. It can also reduce biodiversity loss.

But remember that you can only achieve true dietary transformations locally. A planetary health diet will look different across geographies, cultures, and traditions.

Sustainable Healthy Diets with Organic Greens 365

Start your sustainable healthy diet with an organic superfood powder. This product is rich in whole-food vitamins and minerals. It also has antioxidants and fiber. Treat yourself to the great-tasting Organic Greens 365, and optimize your heart and cell health.

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For Best Results Get Everything You Need To Know About Planetary Nutrition Workbook