Do you have a normal BMI for a healthy life?

Most adults assume that a thin body equates to a healthy weight. But that's not always the case. A balanced diet, physical exercise, and good lifestyle choices make up a healthy weight. One way to see how you can improve your health is by calculating your body mass index. Your BMI can help you understand your body and learn what you need for a healthy, long life.

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Body Mass Index (BMI)

Normal weight could look different for many people. The BMI can assess your weight status by measuring the ratio of your height to your weight. Sometimes, it also involves estimating your body fat. This helps ensure you get the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

Your BMI can also determine health problems and screen for disease control. Excess weight and a high BMI are factors associated with:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Other health issues

However, it does not measure body fat or overall health directly. Doctors don't rely solely on BMI as an indicator of weight type. After all, muscular people can have the same BMI as those within the obese range. Other tests include measuring the waist and skin thickness, or imaging tests.

The underweight range means a BMI score of less than 18.5. The overweight range is 25 to 29.9, while the obese measure 30 and above. The optimum range for BMI is 18.5 to 24.9.

Computing Your BMI

BMI calculation involves your height and weight. It is calculated the same way in children and teens but interpreted differently. In children and teens BMI, age and gender matter to account for body fat changes in boys and girls. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have guidelines for it.

To determine BMI in kilograms and meters, divide the weight by height squared. For example, suppose you weigh 70 kg and have a height of 165 cm (1.65 m). Your BMI is 70 ÷ (1.65)2 = 25.7, which is in the overweight range.

If you are using pounds and inches as your units of measure, the formula is the weight (lb)÷[height (in)]2 x 703.

As an example, if you weigh 150 lbs and are 5’5″ (feet inches) in height. Your BMI will be: [150 ÷ (65)2] x 703 = 24.96. You can also find a BMI calculator online.

Understanding Healthy Body Fat Percentages

People of the same age can weigh differently and still be healthy. When you calculate BMI, you determine if you are at risk of being under or overweight. High body fat is associated with health conditions like Type 2 diabetes. Low body fat can signal malnutrition. Assessing whether you're in a healthy range can help you change your lifestyle and care for your body better.

Know that BMI isn't a perfect measure of a healthy weight. There are factors to consider such as family medical history and underlying health conditions. If your BMI is a health risk, ask your doctor about other measures to assess your overall health.

Also, note that your BMI doesn't consider your entire body composition and muscle mass. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests getting other tests to assess your health.

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For Best Results Get Do You Have A Normal BMI For A Healthy Life? Workbook